Volatility Per Day

Wouldn’t it be nice to know if a specific pair is likely to move 50 pips today? Or 100 pips?

While we don't know exactly how much currency pair will move on a given day, we can use historical data to give us a good idea of how much it's likely to move.

Volatility statistics allow us to see how much a currency moves on average each day and how much it tends to move for each day of the week.

Each currency pair may have different day-of-the-week tendencies. Some days maybe twice as volatile as other days.

The current day of the week is displayed with a striped bar (like a blue zebra).

Change the Amount of Historical Data

View Volatility During a Specific Day of the Week

How to Use Volatility in Your Trading

Certain days of the week provide greater opportunity. Stick to the day(s) that offer you the greatest opportunity. This may vary depending on your strategy.

Volatility lets us know when to trade, and when not to.

Less volatility and reduced profit potential make the spread more expensive. 

Day traders usually benefit by NOT trading when volatility is very low.

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